Washington Healthcare News
Articles, Jobs and Consultants for the Healthcare Professional

Mid-Year Health Care Compliance Trends: Five Areas for Consideration and Focus

First few Article Sentences

With the calendar year half way over, it is a useful and prudent exercise for providers and compliance departments to take stock of current health care compliance trends and legal developments to better focus their compliance efforts for the second half of the year. This article briefly focuses on several compliance trends from 2017 that have continued into the first half of 2018. While not exhaustive, these trends are noteworthy and/or have resulted in a disproportionate number of government investments and settlements. Practitioners and health care compliance professionals may wish to consider these trends when deciding where to allocate their compliance resources over the remaining year and as they prepare their work plans for 2019.

Rifenbark, Rick

Ho, Melissa

Polsinelli LLP

Compliance Management

July 1, 2018

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