Washington Healthcare News
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Granny Cam Laws: The Right to the Device Versus the Right to Privacy

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As the population ages and the use of technology in everyday life increases, the installation of video cameras in long term care facilities, also known as "granny cams," is on the rise. There are many reasons a family member may want to install a granny cam, including the ability to check on a loved one or confirm or deny abuse or neglect. Using cameras can also increase accountability of health care facility staff and can be used by facilities as a training tool. Regardless of the intended purpose, the use of video cameras in health care facilities raises privacy concerns, especially when the resident has a roommate, when a resident suffers from cognitive decline, or when the family covertly installs the camera unbeknownst to the facility.

Pugh, Sara



Law, Granny Cams

August 1, 2018

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