Washington Healthcare News
Articles, Jobs and Consultants for the Healthcare Professional

Here Comes the Flood

First few Article Sentences

Once upon a time the world existed without the system of interconnected computer networks to link devices across the globe. Information was sparse and communication slow in this modern day antiquity, a time when people relied upon encyclopedias and regular mail instead of Wikipedia and the act of composing and sending electronic messages, typically consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters, between two or more users of mobile or laptop devices.

Equally barbaric was the need to develop film upon returning from a trip and waiting, sometimes days, before viewing these photographs for the first time. In health care, radiology was still a physical department, and the "x-ray" referred to a large machine that produced a large film that a real physician on site had to review before rendering certain diagnoses. It was a time when "telemedicine" meant speaking with your doctor on a telephone, and sometimes with a rotary dial.

Garner, Craig


Garner Health Law Corporation

Gun Violence

October 8, 2019

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